When Did Iptv Start – IPTVUK.UK

When Did Iptv Start?

IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) is the delivery of television content over the internet instead of traditional broadcast methods such as cable or satellite. Nowadays, you can stream live TV shows and movies on any device with an internet connection. But when did IPTV start?

The Origins of IPTV

The origins of IPTV can be traced back to the early 1990s when the internet was still in its infancy. In 1995, the first streaming protocol, RealTime Streaming Protocol (RTSP), was introduced by software company, RealNetworks. This protocol allowed audio and video content to be streamed over the internet.

In the late 1990s, a telecommunications company in France, Alcatel, developed the first IPTV system. The technology relied on a dial-up connection and set-top boxes to deliver TV content over the internet.

The Growth of IPTV

IPTV started to gain popularity in the early 2000s as faster internet speeds became more readily available. This allowed for more seamless streaming of video content, including live TV.

In 2002, another French company, Free, started providing IPTV services to its customers. Free’s service was ahead of its time, and it was one of the first providers to include video-on-demand (VOD) content in its offering.

IPTV’s popularity continued to grow throughout the mid to late 2000s. Several providers started offering IPTV services, including AT&T in the US and BT in the UK.

The Rise of Smart TVs

The introduction of smart TVs in the early 2010s helped to further fuel the growth of IPTV. Smart TVs made it easier for users to access IPTV content on their TVs without the need for external devices, such as set-top boxes.

This led to an increase in the number of IPTV providers offering services directly through smart TVs.

The Future of IPTV

As internet speeds continue to increase, the popularity of IPTV is expected to grow even further. More and more people are ditching traditional cable and satellite TV services in favor of IPTV, due to the lower cost and greater flexibility it offers.

In recent years, there has been a surge in the number of IPTV providers, with many offering a wide range of channels and VOD content. The rise of cloud technology has also made it easier for providers to deliver IPTV services, without the need for expensive infrastructure.


In conclusion, IPTV has come a long way since its early beginnings in the 1990s. The rise of faster internet speeds and smart TVs has helped to fuel its growth, and it looks set to continue to grow in popularity as more people discover the benefits of streaming TV content over the internet.

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